Cosmetic, Facial Rejuvenation or, Facial Acupuncture, has caught the attention of increasing numbers of women who want to slow signs of aging, but don’t want to undergo surgery or to inject chemicals. Cosmetic acupuncture treatments not only focus on points on the face, but also on points on the arms and legs to help balance any internal disharmonies that may have an effect on the face and complexion.
The cosmetic acupuncture treatment is based on the principles of Traditional Oriental Medicine and involves the insertion of
hair-thin needles into particular areas of the face, ears, neck, hands, trunk, and legs along channels or meridians of energy called Qi.Specific points are chosen to manipulate the movement of energy in the body according to any imbalances you may have.
Cosmetic Acupuncture and advice is formulated for your particular circumstances and following the foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine treats you as a whole – body, mind and emotions.
A course of treatment generally consists of 12 treatments. The effects become most noticeable and lasting on or about the seventh session. Each person responds differently, depending on his or her condition and lifestyle prior to treatment. Following the initial course of treatment, maintenance sessions can prolong the results for five to ten years. It is often recommended to supplement the Facial Acupuncture programe with Facial Self-Massage and/or Acupressure, Facial Exercises, Herbal and Nutritional Supplements, and a healthy diet.
The use of Acupuncture in Cosmetology–especially in preventing and reducing wrinkles–has already attracted great attention in China, Japan, Hong Kong, and Sweden. The effectiveness of Acupuncture is due to its direct manipulation of the body’s energy system–balancing, removing blockages or adding energy when necessary. Even for those unfamiliar with the principles of Chinese Medicine, it is known that increased circulation helps the body to look and feel better. Common sense would tell us that treating the underlying cause of why someone is aging is preferable to masking the outward symptoms and allowing further decline and dysfunction to continue within the body.
The consultation includes a full analysis of your diet, which will enable us to advise you on the best diet for you as an individual, taking into account any foods which show up as a problem for you.